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Training bodyparts 1 vs 2 times per week - Experience

Training Frequency

  • I've grown better training bodyparts 1x per week

    Votes: 97 31.2%
  • I've grown better training bodyparts 2x per week

    Votes: 214 68.8%

  • Total voters
TBAR Row and Leg day is more than enough for lower back. Case in point : get your Squat to 450 and BB Row to 315 for reps.
Don't Deadlift at all during this time.
Go to the Deadlift (after not touching it for even 1 year).
See what happens.
Heavy ass SLDL on leg day crushes the hams and smokes the Lower back. I sumo once every 8-9 days and it always goes up when I work SLDL hard on leg days

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What about your lower back? No deads, hyperextensions, nothing?

On another day if they are in my program. Currently not doing any deadlifting. I have a couple of sets of GHD raises on my second leg day.
I tend to train everything 1x/week but if I have a lagging part I'll add in an extra session for it. Did it for my delts a few years back and they really popped.
HIIT may effect 2x per week lower body training. Just started adding intervals back into my routine. I'm planning on mostly bike sprints. Because of this I'm going to be training legs ounce per instead.

Monday: upper push 8-14 reps
Tuesday: upper pull 8-14 reps
Wednesday: abs, calves, HIIT
Thursday: upper body push 12-16 reps
Friday: legs 8-14 reps
Saturday: upper body pull 12-16 reps
Sunday: abs, calves, HIIT

I know I can handle the frequency, but may need to adjust the volume. Currently I'm do 17 total sets for each strength training workout. starting out with 8 bike sprints (30 sec work / 90 sec rest) and will work up.
You could always do HIt the day before leg day....I find hill sprints smoke my hams, so I do a quad dominant day afterward. Bike sprints hit my quads hard, but I can still SLDL and leg curl fine 24 hours later.

Just other options to try

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Cruise = 1x , Blast = 2x
I didn't vote because I hit everything about three times in two weeks. Had success with other programs but I feel like this works best for me.
I'm with you man.. 2 completely different schools of thought. In Arnolds Encylopedia of Bodybuilding, he recommends each body part 3x per week with a lot of volume.. 3-4 exercises per muscle group and 4-5 sets each (abs, calves, rear delts every day) Then you have the Dorian Yates/Mike Mentzer style of training with 1x per week/low volume/high intensity. In Chris Aceto's book Championship bodybuilding, he recommends somewhere in between with a 5-6 day split. All of these guys are credible, so which split is optimal? :banghead:

I have been experimenting with different splits recently and so far have had the best (short term results) using the below 2x a week periodized split. The results were spectacular for the first 2 months (inch on arms in 7 weeks) but then I didn't grow much LBM afterwards, which just leaves me even more confused..

Mon - Chest/Tris/Abs
Tue - Back/Bis/Traps
Wed - Quads/Hams/Calves
Thu - Repeat Mon routine
Fri - Repeat Tue routine
Sat - Calves/Shoulders

I periodized it by high rep, mid rep, high rep, low rep, repeat. For example;
Wk 1-
Mon/Tue/Wed - 3x15 reps
Thu/Fri/Sat - 4x10 reps
Sun - off
Wk 2-
Mon/Tue/Wed - 3x15 reps
Thu/Fri/Sat - 6x6 reps
Sun - off

I have yet to try each body part 3x per week, but I will soon.
I didn't vote because I hit everything about three times in two weeks. Had success with other programs but I feel like this works best for me.

This is 1.5x frequency and extremely effective. I recommend this to 95 percent of people. I learned this method from a Mr Olympia a few years ago and it was definetly the best .

In regards to the last guys post : I still train every bodypart 3x a week full body. Never recommend this to most people. But yeah it still works for me . I consistently get stronger and built tons of strength and size this way. I really enjoy training every movement 3x a week.

The key is very low volume and not wrecking your cns.
Last edited:
This is 1.5x frequency and extremely effective. I recommend this to 95 percent of people. I learned this method from a Mr Olympia a few years ago and it was definetly the best .

In regards to the last guys post : I still train every bodypart 3x a week full body. Never recommend this to most people. But yeah it still works for me . I consistently get stronger and built tons of strength and size this way. I really enjoy training every movement 3x a week.

The key is very low volume and not wrecking your cns.
Would you mind writing a sample of the routine? Thanks sir.
The original 2 way DC split 3x week hit everything 1.5 times a week.

Also push, legs, pull on a 2 on 1 off cycle hits everything once every 5 days or so.

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I don't give out my routine unfortunately. I'm sorry.
It's less than 10 exercises,finished in 1 hour,there are some supersets and I go pretty heavy. No more than 2 to 4 sets per bodypart depending what it is.
I don't give out my routine unfortunately. I'm sorry.
It's less than 10 exercises,finished in 1 hour,there are some supersets and I go pretty heavy. No more than 2 to 4 sets per bodypart depending what it is.
My bad brother I understand.
I don't give out my routine unfortunately. I'm sorry.
It's less than 10 exercises,finished in 1 hour,there are some supersets and I go pretty heavy. No more than 2 to 4 sets per bodypart depending what it is.

why dont you want to give your routine out? seems a bit odd

(honest question not trying to ruffle feathers)
I have over 30 people that pay me for routines. It's not fair to them.
Can anyone post an example of a 3 x every two week split?
If you have a normal 4 day split and just train 3 days in a row then take one off, it pretty much falls exactly into that plan. Thats what i do...guys who dont like to train 5/6 days a week might have a lower frequency option.
I loved push/pull/legs on Mon/Wed/Fri when I was busting ass. I am just now getting back serious from my distal biceps rupture and I can not go hard. So, I do a two way split, same three days. 1.5 per week. I am really liking this.

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