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Training bodyparts 1 vs 2 times per week - Experience

Training Frequency

  • I've grown better training bodyparts 1x per week

    Votes: 97 31.2%
  • I've grown better training bodyparts 2x per week

    Votes: 214 68.8%

  • Total voters
In regards to the last guys post : I still train every bodypart 3x a week full body. Never recommend this to most people. But yeah it still works for me . I consistently get stronger and built tons of strength and size this way. I really enjoy training every movement 3x a week.

The key is very low volume and not wrecking your cns.

I appreciate your input. Do you incorporate failure with this type of split?
Cool, do you fail at the end of each set or just the last set of each exercise?
I fail on every working set.
I am going to start this split today, hitting everything 3x per week with 3-5 sets per body part. Going to give it a solid 4 weeks and keep all other variables the same (macros, rest).
Joltan it's not as easy as you think bro it doesn't work like that for most people. Let us know how you do that. It requires very delicate balance and control of variables to do 3x a week training and make really good progress. Unless you really know what you're doing,I suggest 1-2 (1.5)
Joltan it's not as easy as you think bro it doesn't work like that for most people. Let us know how you do that. It requires very delicate balance and control of variables to do 3x a week training and make really good progress. Unless you really know what you're doing,I suggest 1-2 (1.5)

I'll keep you posted on the progress if you're interested. I'm used to more volume than this but I can always adjust. For example, on leg day I typically do 15 sets of quads (5 sets squats, 5 extensions, 5 dumbbell lunges), 10 sets of hamstrings (5 stiff legged deads, 5 leg curls), and 15 sets of calves (5 standing calf raises toes forward, 5 toes out, 5 reverse calf raises). This is on a 1x every 6 day split. Today I did the following:

(Quads, Hams, Calves, Abs)
Squats, Leg Curls, Standing Calf Raises, and Rope pull downs - 4 sets for quads, hams, calves, and 3 sets for abs. Last set to failure on each exercise.

I'll hit em' again on Wednesday but with different exercises. I'm roughly 400 calories over maintenance right now and have been for the past 3 months(protein is at 1.6 per lb of bodyweight, fats at 20%, rest is carbs). I am going to keep it the same until I finish. As far as balance and control, I keep track of everything in Microsoft excel daily (macros, training, progress, everything).
Doesn't matter . Doesn't change anything I said.
Depends greatly on ur age here also. I used to train more with heavier weights but now my body says no no. Light with perfect form is the way for me.
Let us know how you like it after the 4 weeks! Like TrinityD said, most I ever went to was 2x per week but usually average 1.5.....so curious how you do with 3x per week.
Will do. Currently 5 days in and so far I'm liking it. Can't wait to see if it is effective.
Another 2x week program I like is

Day1: Upper...power focus: bench/OHP/skulls/chin-ups/BB row/hammer curl. 6-8 reps 3 working sets

Day2: lower power: squat/SLDL/calves/

Day4: chest/shoulder/tri hypertrophy
Day 5: leg hypertrophy
Day6: back/bi hypertrophy

The hypertrophy days like 2 exercises each group, 10-15 rep range

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There is no magical training frequency. If you go from training once per week to twice you are simply increasing volume. Now it makes a lot of sense to train a body part more frequently then once a week because it has been shown that cramming too much volume into one session can be counter productive and frequency has shown to be beneficial. There is no way in hell you need 7 days for a muscle to recover. Plus the more frequency you have the more opportunity to get in more volume more efficiently. This is not rocket science. There are many options to get in good frequency such as legs/push/pull, upper/lower etc. It has been shown that frequency is beneficial for a natural athlete and some guys are claiming they have trouble recovering training twice a week on AAS? Come on now
There is no magical training frequency. If you go from training once per week to twice you are simply increasing volume. Now it makes a lot of sense to train a body part more frequently then once a week because it has been shown that cramming too much volume into one session can be counter productive and frequency has shown to be beneficial. There is no way in hell you need 7 days for a muscle to recover. Plus the more frequency you have the more opportunity to get in more volume more efficiently. This is not rocket science. There are many options to get in good frequency such as legs/push/pull, upper/lower etc. It has been shown that frequency is beneficial for a natural athlete and some guys are claiming they have trouble recovering training twice a week on AAS? Come on now

I'm not sure if you recognize this.
But you kind of just implied that there is an optimal training frequency. You swapped the word highly optimal/more optimal with magical, but it still puts forth the idea that there is indeed a "better" frequency that gives better results.

I agree...if you have trouble recovering from training bodyparts on AAS ~2x a week, something is 'off' heh.
Twice per week regardless of supplements.
I do like the FT method of x4 per week but obviously volume is lower this way.
Once per week never did any thing for me.
Let us know how you like it after the 4 weeks! Like TrinityD said, most I ever went to was 2x per week but usually average 1.5.....so curious how you do with 3x per week.

Just to follow up - I had great results the first 4 weeks. My legs really responded well, more so than any other body part. I actually put over an inch on my legs.. I think this is because I was able to hit each exercise fresh each time, usually on leg day I am wiped out after the first exercise. Other body parts seemed to respond slightly better than my previous split (1x every 6 days) but not a whole lot. Definitely felt better on this split since it was less time in the gym, and I got to lift 6 out of 7 days each week, which I enjoyed.

After the first 4 weeks I decided to triple the volume for arms and chest and try out the old school Arnold method of training (each body part 3x per week with 9-12 sets each time). I have never experienced this type of growth.. in the first 2 weeks I have already put 1/4 inch on my arms. Hoping this will last for more than a couple of months.
Twice per week regardless of supplements.

I do like the FT method of x4 per week but obviously volume is lower this way.

Once per week never did any thing for me.

I started it 2 weeks ago and surprisingly I love it. Didn't like the idea at first just wanted to see what all hype was about.

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Twice a week hands down

One a week tho is enough to maintain even during a diet

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