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Exactly. These guys don’t know exactly how much science did not at all go into this diagnosis. I have had two medical doctors tell me pretty much the exact same thing you just stated. It’s an epidemic. Lost a few friends to suicide who were on adderol. They were just getting high nothing more.
some people would say suicide is pathetic, not me of course, but some people…..

you obviously have a personal bias against this particular drug

what if i said i had friends that were on THC 24/7 and committed suicide, i bet that’d sound ludicrous
some people would say suicide is pathetic, not me of course, but some people…..

you obviously have a personal bias against this particular drug

what if i said i had friends that were on THC 24/7 and committed suicide, i bet that’d sound ludicrous
So what’s your point. People twisted up on drugs take their own life everyday. I actually do think suicide is pathetic.
So what’s your point. People twisted up on drugs take their own life everyday. I actually do think suicide is pathetic.
My point is you’re taking the stance that you‘re worked up about this because you supposedly lost friends to it. If you really do care about people quitting the drug there’s better ways to say it than by degrading them and tossing a “fuck you” style good luck at the end 🤷🏻‍♂️

i have no feelings on it either way, grown men can do as they wish. Just an observation
I’m not worked up. And I never implied any type of fuck you to anyone . I said good luck to the guy. That’s what I meant.
Kinda funny hearing grown men Jonesing for speed on an open forum like this. Pretty pathetic. The sooner you guys figure out you don’t need that garbage to survive youl be a lot better off. Best of luck

I’ve been prescribed all sorts of meds in my life, Adderall, vyvanse, Xanax, klonopin and all sorts of SSRI’s. I’ve been told I have ADHD since I was a child. I’ve battled depression and anxiety since my teenage years. And at 36 years old I will say without a doubt that being off all that shit is without a doubt the best option. It took A TON of work and struggle but not being dependent on a substance to get through the day is bar none better than being hooked on it to function. No comparison.
I’m not worked up. And I never implied any type of fuck you to anyone . I said good luck to the guy. That’s what I meant.
I used “worked up” as a figure of speech. I guess i could have said “annoyed” 🤷🏻‍♂️

just relating how the wording in your original statement came across as an uninvested observer
Do you mind sending me information of your source? We were at a baseball tournament and our car was broken into and my medication stolen- dr won’t prescribe new RX until due date even with my police report and I’m three weeks out and pretty desperate.thanks so much!
BlueDiamond… Sponsor here at PM.

I’ve been prescribed all sorts of meds in my life, Adderall, vyvanse, Xanax, klonopin and all sorts of SSRI’s. I’ve been told I have ADHD since I was a child. I’ve battled depression and anxiety since my teenage years. And at 36 years old I will say without a doubt that being off all that shit is without a doubt the best option. It took A TON of work and struggle but not being dependent on a substance to get through the day is bar none better than being hooked on it to function. No comparison.
I’m glad to hear you navigated through all that and are ok now. Nice to hear a positive outcome once in a while
For the record seen psychiatrist neurologist. Litterally took ADHD test with a MRI brain scan the test showed indept my attention span and rated me with a high probability that i have ADHD. Started taking adderall in my jr year and was able to graduate and acutally pay attention sit still and stfu and learn. I wouldnt be able to hold a job if i wasnt taking it now. I do cycle off it but its hard because i cant task or pay attention to detail without it. And its far from meth never done meth but its chemically way differnt from meth. Meth is in made in a toliet lol.
For the record seen psychiatrist neurologist. Litterally took ADHD test with a MRI brain scan the test showed indept my attention span and rated me with a high probability that i have ADHD. Started taking adderall in my jr year and was able to graduate and acutally pay attention sit still and stfu and learn. I wouldnt be able to hold a job if i wasnt taking it now. I do cycle off it but its hard because i cant task or pay attention to detail without it. And its far from meth never done meth but its chemically way differnt from meth. Meth is in made in a toliet lol.
Actually meth has clinical uses. Pharm grade meth can be found under the brand name desoxyn.
And you're right. Adderall and meth are totally different.
It's like saying test and methyl-test are the same..
I utilized "dextroamphetamine" and later modafinil/armodafinil for work related purposed for about a decade and a half.

I very reluctantly to this day will pop a nuvigil if absolutely necessary. In all sincerity I feel as though I suffer cognitive impairments from said utilization. Without getting into the recreational aspect of controlled substances I would suggest anyone on these types of medications to look into either - Ibogaine Therapy of Psilocybin Therapy. Not recreational utilization.

It appears to be a bandaid to cognitive issues for me but after utilization of Ibogaine I had nearly six months of perfect mental and neurological performance.
You butchered both names and this is also false information, chemically speaking and anecdotally (for some the levo in adderall is much “stronger” and “stimulating”).
right.. chemical structures have meaning.. mainly everyone in the AAS game understand this.. although sometimes i scratch my head when very knowledgeable forum members
say meth and adderall are the same.. again.. thats like saying DBOL and EQ are the same. or test and methyl-test are the same.
Why isn't this stuff more used in bodybuilding to cut? A quick search... seems like it reduces appetite and boosts metabolism like ephedrine and clen. People posting on reddit...I know lol... saying they lost crazy weight. I know it's not healthy but we do a lot of unhealthy things.
Why isn't this stuff more used in bodybuilding to cut? A quick search... seems like it reduces appetite and boosts metabolism like ephedrine and clen. People posting on reddit...I know lol... saying they lost crazy weight. I know it's not healthy but we do a lot of unhealthy things.
It’s a Schedule II narcotic along with cocaine, oxycodone, meth etc….
Why isn't this stuff more used in bodybuilding to cut? A quick search... seems like it reduces appetite and boosts metabolism like ephedrine and clen. People posting on reddit...I know lol... saying they lost crazy weight. I know it's not healthy but we do a lot of unhealthy things.
right... ECA is pretty much a 'poor man' version of amphetamine...

i noticed a couple(husband/wife) in my neighborhood over the course of a few months go from 'dang they fat' to 'wow she's starting to look hot'
i also noticed the husband had slimmed up.. it was a good look.
one day at the mailbox i started talking to the wife, and noted how i noticed her weight loss... i guess she felt comfortable enough to confide in me that
her doctor prescribed her adderall to help with depression/adhd/something. we've talked at length before about exercise, neighboorhood stuff.. so wasnt just an off-the-cuff first time conversation.
so during the day she takes 20mg of adderall, then some sleep meds(valium??) to get to sleep.
she said she barely eats.. and i guess its the same for her husband.
the only exercise i see them doing is walking around the neighborhood.

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