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Hide PED use from significant other?

Do you hide ped use from your significant other?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 6 11.5%

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Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Jan 25, 2013
Any relationship I've been in, I was open and honest about my ped use and it never seemed to have and negative impact.

My currant (hopefully forever) significant other (my fiance) understood that I need hormone replacement therapy. Because of past use. As some time pasted I decided to run a cycle again she was concerned.

But after seeing that there is no "roid rage" and my quality of life has improved she helps me with my shots and since then she herself is now on HGH and has taken ostarine, clen and mk677.

I've had similar experiences with ex's.

I'm just curious how many people here hide their use of steroids and other peds from their significant other and if so why?
How the hell do you guys hide it if she lives with you lol
How the hell do you guys hide it if she lives with you lol
I know right? I just read a post how a fellow member on here know someone that would keep HGH in the car and reconstituted for the day because they were worried about their significant other finding out.
Hiding shit is the worst thing you can do. Maybe if you were a 1 time random gym bro who just wanted to experiment. But if its your lady, and gear use is part of your life, honesty is 100% the best policy.

I feel like MOST chicks are concerned with gear usage, as are most of the public who has been educated by media scare tactics. But once they see that you're the SAME dude, and you just look at gear as a WO enhancer (it's not CHANGING you into an asshole) they kinda get it. My wife now sometimes gets scared, but she trusts me and knows I'm a research nerd and i don't willy-nilly inject random shit into my body.

I also try and share my health regemine with her (bloodwork, supps, etc) just so she knows I'm on top of it all.
I don't think secrets make relationships stronger.

I had a friend who was on gear, and his wife was fine with it

Then she decided she didn't want to be with him for one reason or another, and documented evidence of his drug usage to use against him in court

She destroyed his life. Took the house, kids, more than half his paycheck

He killed himself shortly thereafter

So there's that
Told my wife on our first date that I was a competitive bodybuilder and that AAS was a regular part of my life, but not all of who I am. She's been cool with it the entire time we've been together from our first date in 2005 and we've been happily married for nearly 14 years. In this specific instance honesty was and will continue to be the best policy.
I don't think secrets make relationships stronger.

I had a friend who was on gear, and his wife was fine with it

Then she decided she didn't want to be with him for one reason or another, and documented evidence of his drug usage to use against him in court

She destroyed his life. Took the house, kids, more than half his paycheck

He killed himself shortly thereafter

So there's that
I'm sorry you lost your friend. It sounds like he was in a really bad place if he felt that suicide was necessary. It's a tragedy that he made that choice.
I met this girl at work who's ex took steroids. He was abusive, really possessive, and a terrible person according to her. She attributed all of that to the steroids.

She asked me if I took steroids.

"I'm like nope, just protein powder :) "

Shes like: "Good, dont! They make you go crazy".
I met this girl at work who's ex took steroids. He was abusive, really possessive, and a terrible person according to her. She attributed all of that to the steroids.

She asked me if I took steroids.

"I'm like nope, just protein powder :) "

Shes like: "Good, dont! They make you go crazy".
Hope you slapped her for being so nosy :cool:
I'm sorry you lost your friend. It sounds like he was in a really bad place if he felt that suicide was necessary. It's a tragedy that he made that choice.

when you go from having a family in a house with a white picket fence

to having no family, losing most of your paycheck for the next 18+ years, and living in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment while still paying for the house with the white picket fence, your options will seem very limited.
I don't know how you could possibly hide if from your sig if you live together.
I don't know how you could possibly hide if from your sig if you live together.
It depends on the girl. Mine just believes what I tell her, and doesn't have any interest in snooping through my stuff. If I put something on a high shelf, it might as well be on the moon. If I'm pinning and have the bathroom door locked, she just thinks I'm taking a long shit. No problems for years. That wouldn't work with a lot of women though.

I never tell anyone anything. The few times I have said something, it's always been a mistake. The people you can expect to keep their mouths shut are the people who mind their own fucking business, and won't ask those questions.
when you go from having a family in a house with a white picket fence

to having no family, losing most of your paycheck for the next 18+ years, and living in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment while still paying for the house with the white picket fence, your options will seem very limited.
i was in the same situation-somehow pulled thru so far-i know how your freind felt
I know 2 guys that hides it from there wives. One has hidden it over 10 years lol.
A 3rd guy I know is now getting divorced. She told him if he did it again, she's divorcing him. Well he got caught. But, I think there may be more involved
Some girls have asked me on the first date if I was taking steroids. I've always been up front about it. There's no way I would hide something this important from my wife now. She doesn't know the details, but she definitely knows when I'm on cycle vs cruising.
I don't think secrets make relationships stronger.

I had a friend who was on gear, and his wife was fine with it

Then she decided she didn't want to be with him for one reason or another, and documented evidence of his drug usage to use against him in court

She destroyed his life. Took the house, kids, more than half his paycheck

He killed himself shortly thereafter

So there's that
This system definitely favors women. It's risky out there for sure. That's why marriage scares the s*** out of me.

I never thought I would get married. But my woman and I have know each other since she was in 4th grade and I was in 6th.

It's really important to find a woman that's a "giver" and shares common interest.

Most people out there only care about themselves.
I know 2 guys that hides it from there wives. One has hidden it over 10 years lol.
A 3rd guy I know is now getting divorced. She told him if he did it again, she's divorcing him. Well he got caught. But, I think there may be more involved
I would have to agree that probably more was involved. It's a pretty ridiculous reason to leave someone.

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